Poem A Day Challenge or NaPoWriMo

I started my “writing career” with NaNoWriMo in 2008. NaNoWriMo is an international event where people accept the challenge to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. I’ve written a rough draft of a novel every year since then.

Deciding I should experience different forms of writing instead of only multi-book sagas, I will endeavor to write one poem every day in April. There are various websites supporting this idea, but I think I’m going with NaPoWriMo.

I am not guaranteeing any type of quality. I’m not even going to be upset if I don’t get a poem out every day. And they sure as heck won’t rhyme of have any kind of standard form.

Here’s #1


#1 T.A. Munroe 4/1/15



My challenge–expressive adjectives.

And I think I’ll have to use screen shots taken from Word because I can’t seem to get rid of the space between paragraph on WordPress, if that’s even possible.

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