I’m Theresa and I’m a Facebook and sugar addict.

I’m Theresa and I’m a Facebook addict. So, I’m going into recovery. Here’s the main reason: I’m having a hard time with my attitude.

I’m jealous of people taking this trip or that trip. I can’t even go grocery shopping right now. I know, get a job. Yup, easy.

And, an author I admire and follow a little bit just posted about a movie producer and her book. It’s a great book. I want to be happy for her even though I don’t know her. It’s every writer’s dream to see her book made into a movie. I hated the instant envy and bitterness I felt.

Will going off Facebook for a while help me? I don’t know. But at least I won’t have so much to feel bad about feeling bad about. You know what I mean?

I’m a social introvert, if that makes sense. I like being with small groups of people and getting to know people one at a time. I get lonely at home sometimes and don’t get out with girlfriends as often as I’d like. And I’ve met some real live great people through FB.

I’ll be more productive at writing, I suspect.

About sugar. I have a very sick relationship with it. You might know what I mean. If not, there’s probably something else in your life that’s the same for you. Something you enjoy too much and is bad for you. I could name a bunch of things, but you know… Unless your perfect and have no tendencies toward addictions or vices. I thought my husband was like that until he started acting like my father. I’m tired of feeling like crap because of sugar.

Can I do both? I’ve been working on sugar for a month or so, with some success. Can I do both at the same time and maintain the little sanity I can claim? Time will tell, dear reader.

If you need me, I’ll be over at Twitter.

3 thoughts on “I’m Theresa and I’m a Facebook and sugar addict.

  1. I am feeling the same way-about sugar and travel. I have too much sugar and not enough travel. I say we abandon the tech world for a bit and hit the literal road-Sedona? Flagstaff? I would love to meet up with you sometime for a cuppa tea or something and plan our takeover of the world…or at least our small sugar free, heavily traveled corner. LOL

  2. I know exactly what you mean, Theresa, especially about facebook. It’s really a love-hate relationship, isn’t it? So much goodness can come from it (like meeting folks like you, and finally starting to write!). But so much of my life has ‘taken a back seat’ since facebook started. I sometimes feel I would be SO much more successful (and probably healthier) if not for fb. That, and the envy. Yes, been there, done that, too.

    I’m here for ya, Theresa! And thanks for nudging me, too, into rethinking how much time I spend on fb, and ‘leading’ me over here. x

    ‘SR’ (aka Lin S.)

  3. Good to get to know you, Theresa. I spend a lot of time on Twitter and FB. A lot of time with people in person, too. And I’d sure like a handful of candy corn right now.

    I’m also a writer and enjoy encouraging other writers. So you go, girl!!

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